Window Automation

Window Controls Radiator As I wrote in my article about my Smarthome setup, automation is what makes a smart home smart. Here I describe how I turn the radiator down when the window is opened and turn it back up again when the window is closed.

Processing Events with Python

In this article I show how to import a list of appointments, process them and then save them in ICS format. Background Bremer Stadtreinigung offers the waste collection dates for download as ICS file and as CSV file. Unfortunately there are two separate dates for residual waste and organic waste although both are collected on the same day.

Building a Website with Hugo – Basics

This blog is created with Hugo. In this post I tell you what it’s all about and why I chose this method. What is Hugo? Hugo claims to be the world’s fastest framework for creating static websites. Hugo is programmed in Go and available for all common operating systems.

Environment Sensor with ESPHome in Home Assistant

In this post I show the steps to recreate my environmental sensor with a button. The sensor measures temperature, humidity and air pressure and has a button to trigger any action. Preparation What ist ESPHome? According to the self-description on, ESPHome is a system for programming ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontrollers using simple configuration files.